I'm back with another oreo hack~
Kali ini saya membuat pumpkin pie alias pie labu dengan oreo sebagai crust atau kulitnya. It was an easy cooking, karena tidak menggunakan oven tetapi hanya dengan pan fried alias teflon. Sangat sederhana dan hemat listrik tapi tetap enak :p
Oreo 60gr
Biskuit Roma 60gr (bisa mix dengan ini atau tidak)
Coklat secukupnya
Labu kuning sekitar 450gr
Susu cair 50ml ( saya menggunakan ultra milk full cream)
Gula pasir (sesuai selera)
Margarine 100gr
Agar- agara bening
How to cook:
1. Kukus labu sampai matang kira-kira 30 menit lamanya. Sementara itu, hancurkan oreo dan biskuit sampe halus dengan rolling pin. Lelehkan margarin dan coklat.
2. Setelah oreo dan biskuit menjadi crumbs, campurkan margarin dan coklat perlahan.
3. Untuk membuat pie crust, pindahkan mixed oreo dan biskuit yang telah tercampur margarin cair dan coklat ke pan fried. Tekan- tekan sampai penuh dan melekat.
4. Didihkan agar- agar bening yang ditambah air, gula, dan susu cair. Lalu campurkan dengan kukusan labu kuning yang telah dihaluskan.
5. Panaskan pie crust dengan api kecil sekitar 2menit.
6. Pindahkan isi pie, labu kuning yang tercampur agar- agar ke atas pie crust. Diamkan hingga dingin.
7. Pumpkin pie with oreo crust siap dihidangkan~
Anyway, it was my second time cooking pumpkin pie. Sebelumnya saya membuat pie crust dengan biskuit roma saja. Told ya, ini easy, simpel, dan kind of lazy cooking 😂 Bisa jadi cooking hack buat anak kos yang pingin cemal- cemil enak tapi hemat dan ribet :D
Happy cooking!
Loving you was like the amber of morning rays, came through those triangle windows in the kitchen filled with aroma of morning coffee. A cup of your favorite black coffee and a cup of mine, cappuccino. It never served without baked croissants nor almond brownie i cooked. Instead of watering the plants, you clinged to me like a glue while i was busy with the kitchen stuff.
It was nice when you put your head on my shoulder. It felt like you were sharing the burden you've tried to carry alone. The next routine, we drank our coffee with bliss.
We talked a lot of things like a silly joke you watched last night, my failed new recipe, a stripes bow tie your father gave you, a powder on my pink floral apron, a bunch of dark chocolates you would like to buy me, and how you loved the smells of the sea.
Morning was always our best 'us time'.
The rays have always been shining the backyard of our house, shimmering the wild flowers we picked then planted it between the unpretentious dandelions.
Falling leaves
Falling down
Humming, humming, humming
Dancing with the blow of naked wind
Falling leaves
Falling down
Running, running, running
Swallowing pain through the mountain
Falling leaves
Falling down
Hanging, hanging, hanging
Waiting for tomorrow rays of sun
Falling leaves
Falling down
Spelling, spelling, spelling
Would you come?
my sleeping playlist.
Saya berencana membuat seri ‘Take a Look Inside My
Mind’, postingan-postingan yang berisi hal-hal yang mencerminkan seperti apa
diri dan isi kepala saya—bahkan isi hati juga bisa saya cerminkan kalo perlu XD—melalui
misalnya musik, buku, isi tas, dan lain sebagainya. Kali-kali aja ada yang
terinspirasi gitu, kan.
Di Take a Look Inside My Mind edisi perdana ini,
saya mau sharing isi playlist buat tidur saya yang berjudul ‘Sleepless
Nights’ yang baru-baru ini saya susun ulang. Totalnya ada 49 track tapi saya mau share 11 aja. You know, it wouldn’t be funny if I bare my entire soul.
That – BtoB
Ini lagu terbaru yang saya masukkan ke dalam playlist. Secara BtoB baru comeback akhir Maret lalu. Selain karena
Yook Sungjae, maknae mereka, saya
nggak terlalu into BtoB sebetulnya tapi
lagu-lagu mellow-nya adem banget
untuk didengerin malem-malem sewaktu nyari ngantuk. Lagu bernuansa musim semi
yang manis ini salah satunya. See
the Light – GOT7
my latest and greatest obsession, GOT7. I’ve
heard them since their ‘A’ comeback tahun 2014 lalu waktu saya lagi
ngikutin Roommate season 2. Tapi waktu itu dengerinnya nggak begitu gencar
karena saya lagi sibuk sama obsesi Bigbang saya. I know I’m a fickle heart, terlalu mudah bagi saya untuk jatuh
hati. But
since I saw their not-so-chic leader in red hair, their If You Do MV, and a
picture of Wang Jackson’s airport fashion—with his all-back blonde hair—later that
year, long after Roommate S2 has ended, I fell in love once again. And I can
say that this love will last for a long long time, seeing the fact of how I
started to fangirl them every now and then and at the fact that it is gonna be
another pathological celebrity crush. Ok, let’s save this for a separate blog
post. See the Light adalah salah satu track dari album Flight Log: Departure
yang juga baru rilis akhir Maret lalu. Pertama denger preview-nya saya udah langsung suka karena saya selalu haus
lagu-lagu ballad mereka dan See the
Light adalah lagu ballad-ish di
antara 8 lagu bernuansa dance di album ini. One
thing I love the most from the song is Bambam’s rap part! Kudos, Mark and
Bambam for writing the rap lyrics! If You
– Bigbang
Waktu comeback-nya
tahun lalu, Yang Hyun Suk sendiri menyatakan bahwa If You adalah lagu mereka
yang paling sedih. Saya setuju. Dari sekian banyak lagu ballad dan non-ballad
mereka, If You memang yang vibe-nya
paling menyayat. Slow guitar—and GD—never fails.. Let
It Go – James Bay
Saya selalu punya writing theme song, semacam satu lagu yang saya jadikan soundtrack dan saya khususkan untuk meng-influence ketika
menulis sebuah cerita. Let it Go saya pakai untuk menulis metropop terbaru
saya—yang sialnya lagi mentok di tengah jalan. Biasanya lagu-lagu ‘soundtrack’ ini saya ‘sakralkan’, hanya
didengar ketika saya menulis saja supaya nggak gampang bosen dan lagunya betah
saya dengerin selama saya menulis berminggu-minggu bahkan berbulan-bulan. Lagu satu ini pengecualiannya. Let It Go
selalu sukses bikin saya mendadak slow
dan mellow dan mushy wushy dan ujungnya bikin saya tidur—if that makes any sense. From
Me To You – Joo Young
Korean song I picked from the playlist :P I’m
not gonna apologize for being so tendencious this time. I just happen to love
Kpop so much. Joo Young, though, is an underrated R&B singer who joins Sistar’s agency, Starship. Saya pikir warna suara
Jooyoung cukup umum di antara berjenis-jenis suara penyanyi R&B yang lain di
barat atau timur. Tapi entah kenapa ada sesuatu yang menarik di diri dia dan
lagu ini *bahasanya -__-*
Di dalem playlist
saya ada 5 lagu Joo Young termasuk hitsnya sama Hyorin, Erase. But the X factor that makes me pick this
song and keeps me listening to this for like a zillion times is the part on
3:14 to 3:47. Love that a lot, can’t help but singing along that lovely part
every single time.
XX – G-Dragon
Saya curiga ada misteri di balik lagunya karena
That XX ini adalah lagu yang paling paling paling paling sering ke-shuffle setiap saya dengerin lagu dari
playlist. Dalam 20 kali pencet next ada
kali, ya 6 kali lagu ini muncul. Selain itu suara G-Dragon dikali lagu bertempo
pelan dikali unplugged sama dengan addiction. The lyric is seriously something,
by the way. My heart torn in two between GOT7’s lyricist, Junior and GD
T___T Farewell
– GOT7
Curangkah memasukkan dua lagu dari satu penyanyi
yang sama di antara 49 lagu yang ada? Bodo amat. Saya terlalu cinta sama lagu ini—and the boys too!—dan kayaknya kudu aja
dengerin ini sekali atau dua kali setiap buka playlist. Susah bagi saya untuk tidak memasukkan Farewell
ke dalam blog post ini karena begitu
mikirin sleeping playlist, saya akan
langsung memasukkan Farewell sebagai salah satu yang terfavorit. Bukan cuma
karena arrangement-nya itu sendiri
tapi karena part Wang Jackson—lagi-lagi—nyanyi!
Hahahaha denger Jackson nyanyi karena rolemain rapper doi. Let me tell you one thing, switching role
in GOT7 is what makes me love the guys so much because it turned out that
they’re so good aside their main roles. And Wang Jackson is a pretty good
vocalist, though. Listen to their Japanese Single Stay and Forever Young in their 2nd mini album ;D Dreamlike
– Vodka Rain
even get me started to talk about how I love TvN’s choice for their drama OST.
Selain OST Cheese In The Trap dan Heart 2 Heart, saya sangat menggemari track-track dari Ex-Girlfriend Club. Ada
nuansa ‘movie’ yang kental dari
setiap lagu-lagu k-indie-nya. Well, I
guess I have a thing for indie songs everywhere, Indonesian or Korean or
Western. It keeps me wanting more and feeling calmer. (but wait, is ‘feeling
calmer’ an actual phrase?)
– Boyce Avenue (Ne-Yo cover)
wrong with Boyce Avenue? Semua lagu semacam jadi punya dia kalo dia
akustikin—maafkan kosakata saya yang miskin. I adore him so much the moment I found the accoustic version of this
song. Sejak denger versi originalnya jaman SMA, udah lama banget saya
nyari-nyari siapa kiranya yang nyanyiin lagu ini versi akustik. And it turned out to be Boyce Avenue! I
think this song is destined to be sung in the accoustic version. Trust me. You
should really listen to the original one. Reality
– Richard Sanderson
song feeds my old soul, my eternal thirst for old songs.
Saya akrab banget sama lagu ini gara-gara banyak k-movie, k-drama, dan variety show Korea yang saya tonton—WGM,
Running Man, Sunny sampai Reply series—yang
menyelipkan lagu ini sebagai back song-nya.
Bukan sekali dua kali tapi berkali-kali. Thanks
to the popularity of La Boum around 80s there, I found another baby that puts
me into sleep. Be
Be Your Love – Rachael Yamagata
Sekali lagi saya mau terima kasih sama
PD-nim-nya WGM yang berbaik hati menayangkan lagu ini versi CNBlue’s Jonghyun, Q’s foreverly flower boy
(pardon me, Q, but I can’t help myself from picking this great song and adding this comment hahaha). This
is a hard choice. No, not the song pick but the video link I should put for
reader’s preview. Ada godaan besar yang membuat saya ingin
sekali memasukkan link versi Jonghyun
waktu doi nyanyi di Yoyogi Park, Jepang karena saya lebih suka versi akustiknya
dia dari pada versi Rachael Yamagata, tapi ada perasaan fangirl yang harus saya jaga *sungkem* kapan-kapan aja kali ya saya share video itu yang sudah di-cut sedemikian rupa hahahaha
that’s a wrap. I’m baring myself. I think somebody will see something inside
this deep dark labyrinth of my mind. Semoga ada lagu yang nyantol di hati kalian
pembaca yang lagi nyari track-track baru
untuk playlist sebelum tidur. Sukur-sukur
kalo saya bisa ‘menjaring’ satu fangirl!
*ketawa jahat*
I’ll still blog
every flash fiction I write every week
I’ll be on
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Path 24/7 watching after what children’s
doing there – they’ll hate it but never mind, I have my own things to post
I’ll play
video games – old and new ones - several days a week with my children and they’ll ask me about the
walkthrough when they get into difficult levels
I’ll read my
children Dee’s Supernova for their bedtime stories
I’ll be
drawing in the same canvas with my husband just like what we did when we were
still dating
I’ll be
sitting together with my husband with a cup of coffee or tea – me facing anotebook, him facing his sketchbook – don’t
bother talking
I’ll be the
place where my children ask on how to do coding for their blog
header or widget
I’ll jug
between catching up kdramas and night sleeping
I’ll spend
my morning cooking breakfast, preparing for children’s school, do the chores,
and copywriting for clients
I’ll spend
my night cooking dinner, assisting children with their homework and writing my
next metropop or a dark young adult
I’ll make a
copy for my children’s school project so they can put it in their socmed or
I‘ll have a
shelf full of books I’ve never get to afford when I was young and a drawer full
of expensive stationaries
I’ll take my
husband and children backpacking to a deserted island in Norway or Helsinki
I’ll be on
my phone reading and asking weird and funny answers on Quora everyday
I’ll watch
horror or thiller movies alone in one weekend night in the dark of my study
I’ll spend
hours in a bookstore – I don’t think I’ll know how to quit though
I’ll have Corinne Bailey Rae’s songs blaring
in my kitchen every morning when everybody’s are away
I’ll keep my
children away from tablets, computers, and smartphones (outside school work)
until they’re 13.
I’ll make them play video games
I’ll make my
children read books they like everyday and write the reviews once a month
I’ll tell my
children that it’s okay to be an introvert and it’s not some kind of mental
I’ll teach
my son a gentleman manner and to have a thoughtful sense towards women,
elderly, and children
I’ll teach
my daughter that they don’t live just to be someone else’s wife or someone’s
mom or someone’s daughter-in-laws and that they should live up to pursue their greatest passion
I’ll be
sitting in our TV room playing 500-piece puzzles, lego, or nanoblocks as my ultimate me-time
I’ll tell my kids that they should worship God not because they’re afraid
of Hell but because their God is worthy of worship