How I Cope with A Boyfriend Women Hate

You read it right. I have a boyfriend. We were a campus couple. We went to the same class for four years. I love him, of course. Kalo nggak, nggak mungkin


      Ingatkah kamu, buku apa yang pertama kali kamu baca? Aku tidak. Rasanya itu seperti buku dongeng para hewan atau dongeng putri

My Top 5: Favorite K Drama in 2015

1. She Was Pretty 2. Kill Me Heal Me 3. Oh my Ghostes 4. Oh my Venus (on going) 5. Twenty Years O

My Top 5 : New K-Drama in 2016

1. Cheese in The Trap Tayang 4 Januari 2016 di TvN. Yeay~ It's a webtoon remake, one of my favorite

2016 New Year Challenge

So, i'm Q, gonna take up Nat's challenge rite now, kekeke~ 1. Five things you have accomplished in 2015 Done writing a short story anthology with

2016 New Year Challange

What last year was all about..  1. Five things you have accomplished in 2015 Done writing a short story anthology Done writing the first