Take a Look Inside My Mind (through my personal planner)

Take a Look Inside My Mind edisi keduaaa! *tebar konfeti* I’ve always been an avid journal


Meeting your old friends after seperated for decades should be like… binge talking, binge eating, nor binge watching. But, the things wasn’t turn out

5 Bacaan yang Harus Kamu Baca Selain Buku

Membaca buku itu biasa. Biasa banget. Menelan 700 halaman lebih bisa dilakukan dalam waktu seminggu

What I Talk About When I Talk About Getting Married

One of my BFF just got married last Sunday to her three-year boyfriend. Out of curiosity—just

What I Wish About What I Could Wear to Office

What I Wish About What I Could Wear to Office by inshonia featuring silk scarv

Oreo Hack: Pumpkin Pie with Oreo Crust

Finally... *drumroll* I'm back with another oreo hack~ Kali ini saya membuat pumpkin pie alias

Our Typical Morning Coffee

Loving you was like the amber of morning rays, came through those triangle windows in the kitchen


Falling leaves Falling down Humming, humming, humming Dancing with the blow of naked wind Falling

Take a Look Inside My Mind (through my sleeping playlist)

…through my sleeping playlist. Saya berencana membuat seri ‘Take a Look Inside My Mind’, postingan-postingan


On winding road And a generous night, You drove me slowly  by millions constellations Then

Me As A Mom

source I’ll still blog every flash fiction I write every week I’ll be on Twitter, Facebook,

What I Talk About When I Talk About Relationship

There's a word that i wanted to talk about recently. We might have heard or did it in what we called

How I Cope with A Boyfriend Women Hate

You read it right. I have a boyfriend. We were a campus couple. We went to the same class for four years. I love him, of course. Kalo nggak, nggak mungkin


      Ingatkah kamu, buku apa yang pertama kali kamu baca? Aku tidak. Rasanya itu seperti buku dongeng para hewan atau dongeng putri

My Top 5: Favorite K Drama in 2015

1. She Was Pretty 2. Kill Me Heal Me 3. Oh my Ghostes 4. Oh my Venus (on going) 5. Twenty Years O

My Top 5 : New K-Drama in 2016

1. Cheese in The Trap Tayang 4 Januari 2016 di TvN. Yeay~ It's a webtoon remake, one of my favorite