Take a Look Inside My Mind (through my personal planner)

Take a Look Inside My Mind edisi keduaaa! *tebar konfeti* I’ve always been an avid journal


Meeting your old friends after seperated for decades should be like… binge talking, binge eating, nor binge watching. But, the things wasn’t turn out

5 Bacaan yang Harus Kamu Baca Selain Buku

Membaca buku itu biasa. Biasa banget. Menelan 700 halaman lebih bisa dilakukan dalam waktu seminggu

What I Talk About When I Talk About Getting Married

One of my BFF just got married last Sunday to her three-year boyfriend. Out of curiosity—just

What I Wish About What I Could Wear to Office

What I Wish About What I Could Wear to Office by inshonia featuring silk scarv

Oreo Hack: Pumpkin Pie with Oreo Crust

Finally... *drumroll* I'm back with another oreo hack~ Kali ini saya membuat pumpkin pie alias

Our Typical Morning Coffee

Loving you was like the amber of morning rays, came through those triangle windows in the kitchen